Can you remember the last time you received bad service from a business. How angry did it make you feel, and furthermore how many people did you tell about your bad experience? On the opposite side, can you think of time you received good service from a business. Chances are, you haven't told anywhere near as many people about that good experience verses the bad one. So why do people post 1 star reviews, and how can you handle them.
Just like a scratch on your new car, one bad review can take the tarnish off any business. So let's look into a few factors around the why and how of a 1 star google review.
Why did I get a 1 star google review?
One star reviews generally show that a customer has been dissatisfied with the level of service, or quality of products from your business. In some cases however a one star review can be a vindictive act on their part, in them trying to hurt your business, or get back at you.
As a business affected, you do well to consider some details around the customer giving the negative review, these included such things as:
their previous service/buying history with your business
understanding the customer themselves, for example: are they experiencing other issues that may effect their judgments
was there a triggered emotional or driving force behind this review
have they left similar reviews with others businesses
How to handle a 1 star review
5 star or, 1 star - every review should be replied to and actioned promptly. So to begin with make an effort to thank them for their feedback. Now, while this might sound odd to thank them for negative feedback, it also shows other potential customers that you value "all" customer feedback and listen to them.
Try to be respectful and address their concerns but don't allow your response to be to glossy or staged. Using words that convey thanks for bring this to our attention, or that suggest an unrecognised fault in procedures or products are a great way to diplomatically address the issue. Regarding the issue itself, be careful to not about admit fault or try to apologise. This could potentially fuel their fire and justify their reaction. Remember that the main point of your response is to ensure that you acknowledge their concern or issue and try to offer a solution, rather than trying to vindicate yourself.
Finally make the effort to encourage the reviewer to contact you direct to further discuss this matter offline. In doing so you can hopefully get to the root of the issue and perhaps resolve or offer a solution. When you have been able to make resolutions or discussion with the review you can respectfully ask them to remove the review given. Unfortunately Google doesn't allow business owners to remove bad reviews unless they are in violation of Google Policies. This requires you to "flag the review as inappropriate" which alerts Google to investigate. Therefore if after speaking with the reviewer ask if they are satisfied with your solution, politely ask them to remove it!
WATCH THIS SPACE: In the next blog we'll discuss more about the importance of reviews and how they can shape your business.
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