Effective Digital Marketing can be time consuming and technical, with far more involved in the setting up and background. And contrary to popular belief, it's not an easy one-click solution. If it were that simple, then everyone would be able to do it themselves! If you're doing your own digital marketing and having a limited success, perhaps it's time to consider Why Digital Marketing Doesn't Work, and how you can make it work better for you!
When it comes digital marketing for a business, we find that there are three types of people: those who don't have the money (or have it budgeted in other streams), those who don't have the time, and those who think they can handle it themselves. While all of these are valid points they can quickly become excuses, rather than valid reasons for your business not to engage in effective digital marketing.
So to address some of the common reasons why digital marketing doesn't work, let's break them down to give you a better understanding!

1. Your digital marketing wont work if your customers aren't on that platform...
What we mean by this is that for example, if you're only using Facebook you're potentially only getting a 25% audience reach. For business or products to be seen by a wider audience you need to be using a wider range of digital platforms such as Google, Instagram, You-Tube and LinkedIn. Ever hear someone say they didn't know you existed as they didn't see you online?

2. It looks fancy and I think it's great, so why doesn't it work...
Ask yourself - Who are you trying to market to? It might look great to you, but are 'you' your target audience. Perhaps it doesn't need all the bells and whistles, sometimes simple is better. If you're message isn't appealing to the right target audience then it will miss the target. Research who, what, where and why to understand your potential customers and better target them.

3. How come I'm not booked out, why isn't the phone ringing right away...
Did you ever think to question just how many messages, images and thoughts the human brain has to process daily? Now put that into a digital context. How many times did your message appear? Was it too many or not enough? It takes Google up to 30 days to learn a new business so be prepared to invest time in digital marketing as you can't expect immediate results.

4. What is your digital marketing strategy...
An effective digital marketing strategy has an end goal. This can be Awareness, Education, Advocacy, Lead Generation as just a few examples. But without a defined strategy your marketing will fail to yield results. Take the time to plan a thought out strategy with benchmarks at each step to ensure it success. Doing this will save you valuable time and money as well as insight into what works better for your business.

5. But my post got heaps of likes...
Let's be very upfront when we says likes don't equal success. Just because someone likes a post doesn't mean they'll buy. Likes can be an agreeance, or way of appreciation. I like chocolate, and you showed me a post on chocolate I'd like it. But that doesn't mean I'm going to actually buy it! Successful posts elicit an engagement or direct action. Try making posts more suggestive or ask a question!

6. But their doing it, why can't I...
Every business has it's unique point of difference so why would you take that away by doing what everyone else does? Play to it and use your business strengths as your ultimate marketing weapon. Be 'the reason' that a potential customer shop with you rather than being just another option. Afterall it's 'you' that has bought them there to begin with and it's 'you' that will retain them as a repeat customer.

7. But I still haven't decided yet...
Constantly repeating a message with a price or discount is pointless unless they're ready to buy. You need to sell them into it before they'll buy it. Try marketing the features and benefits of your product first. Effective marketing will make them want to buy only after they've made up their mind. So be sure to educate, cover objections and demonstrate in you marketing to create a better sales experience.

8. It feels really pushy and I don't understand what it is...
This works hand in hand with the last point to a degree. If your posts aren't appealing to them they can be felt as pushy or insulting. Be sure to have a variety or messages and cover points in your approach to address the variety in your potential customers. Whilst we all we think we know what they want that's not always the case, so seller beware!
Digital Marketing has become a great tool when it comes to generating new leads and customers as well as retaining, educating and advising. And while it seems straight-forward and easy there's more to it than you expect. With years of marketing experience across a variety of platforms Saber Digital Solutions, can create an effective digital marketing solution that will yields results. We'll work with you to better understand your business needs, and we'll invest the time to research the market and find the right customers. Why not contact us today for a FREE consultation to discuss how we can offer you - Digital Marketing that cuts through!